The most important thing we can learn is that we create our reality. This can be a difficult concept to understand, especially when things are going really wrong in our lives. It is not easy to accept that we created our relationship falling apart, a disease or bankruptcy. Accepting personal responsibility is not an easy thing to do. …
What Reality Are You Creating?
I had an experience recently that showed me how we create our reality. I had dinner recently with an older couple that I know. Throughout the whole dinner, they talked about all of the doctors they had been seeing, the medical tests which had been done or needed to be done and the huge amount of medications they take …
God/Goddess Will Provide
I have had several clients, especially during a Relationship Psychic Reading, who got upset with me when I told them that they had to make an effort to meet their Life Partner. You cannot sit home all the time and expect the person of your dreams to knock on your door. They told me that since God/Goddess will provide, S/He …
Focus On Love In This Time Of Tragedy
copyright 2001, After World Trade Center DisasterClaudia McNeely It is more important than ever for us to focus on what we wish to manifest. If we focus on the horror and atrocity that happened Tuesday, we will bring more of that into our lives. Instead it is now even more important that we focus on love. Surround this situation and …
Filling Your Day With Love
How many mornings have you been awakened by the alarm clock and grumbled because you had to get up? You feel angry that you can’t get just a few more moments of sleep. You are unhappy that you have to leave your comfortable bed. You don’t want to get up. You don’t want to take a shower. You don’t want …
Attract Your Dream Relationship With Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction
On Valentine’s Day, our thoughts turn to our desire to have a significant other in our life. We feel the loneliness more at this time of year. We wonder when and if we will ever meet that special someone. If we are in a relationship, we may become aware of how things have become strained between us. At this time, …
Creating Your Reality
We have more control over our lives now than ever before in recent history. We can create whatever we desire in our lives. We have complete and total control. What do you want in your life? Do you want a wonderful job, loving relationships, or a new car? You can manifest any of this. What would your dream job be? …