Scorpio Full Moon Energies and Manifesting Our Highest

  Wednesday was the Full Moon and the beginning of the Sun’s movement through Scorpio. The energies for this time are all about manifesting our best and highest. What do you REALLY want to manifest in your life?  Scorpio, Venus, Taurus, and Uranus actually form a Grand Cross. A Grand Cross causes a lot of tension because during this time …

Grieve With Me – 3D or 5D

by Tank   I often hear people touting their claims of existing in a Fifth Dimensional state of existence. In the Fifth dimension my understanding is that one is able to manifest virtually any reality they want. It would seem that if that is true we would all be having very different experiences than the frustration, anger and fear we …


 by LJ Vanier, Team Spirit   “The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”- Eckhart Tolle 12. Regrets Whether it’s a missed opportunity, a bad relationship, a choice we should have made or simply something that made us feel dumb, dwelling in regret consumes a large amount of our time and energy. It has been thought, …

Illuminating the Darkness by Lisa Renee

This article confirms my own experiences. Illuminating the Darkness by Lisa Renee   Dear Ascending Family, Perhaps the topic of this week’s blog is for my own catharsis, in bearing witness to the destructive behaviors and hate filled emotions of unstable people that I’ve witnessed in the environment that have escalated into the incredible depths of fragmented psychosis, from what …

What We Are Within Is Being Enhanced

The energies and astrological alignments have been tearing us down to our core, down to who we really are, and rebuilding us from the ground up. This process has taken several years, and has not been an easy time for any of us. We don’t like having to look at ourselves, and we have been given no choice about doing …

Intense Energies and How To Process Them

The energies so far this month have been really intense. Actually, they have been intense for the last 6 years. During these years, most of us have been reduced to our core, to who we truly are within. It has not been an easy process, for any of us. We have experienced at least one Dark Night of the Soul …

Ascension Flu – What It Is And How To Survive It

  By Claudia McNeely   The energies recently have been very high. We have had 2 intense Eclipses and 2 very large X Class Solar Flares, with numerous M Class Flares. The Coronal Mass Ejection from one of the X Class Flares clipped Earth on Tuesday, September 12, 2013 at about 3:30 pm ET. Many of us felt it when …

August Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, New Moon Solar Eclipse and Being Love

  Much ado is being made about the August Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse. There is article after article on social media telling us what to expect, what we should do and how we should act. Too many of them miss the true power of these eclipses. They talk about being kind to ourselves and others, being okay with being …

You Are Being Lied To So You Will Drop Your Spiritual Protection

  The most damaging lie being spread through the Spiritual Community right now is that we no longer need to put up protection, that all darkness has been defeated and can no longer affect us. This could not be further from the truth! When I first got involved in Metaphysics, psychic protection was hardly ever mentioned and little was taught …