Has The Earth Split Into Two Realities?

It has been said for decades that the Earth was going to split, with one part ascending and the other stuck in the 3rd dimension.  We are seeing that happen now, but not in exactly that way.  Especially in the United States, people are living in two entirely different realities. The Earth has not split along ascension or not ascension but …

Getting Smacked By Mercury Retrograde by Claudia McNeely

We all dread the arrival of Mercury Retrograde. We know that if something can go wrong, it will. This retrograde is no different, and is starting out to be a doozy!  We were supposed to move starting this week. The house we are renting has to have the kitchen floor replaced because of a leak, so it is not ready …

Timing Is Everything By Claudia McNeely

We have been renting this house for four years, since we moved back from the Austin area. We had planned to only be here a few months, and then move back down there. Of course, it didn’t work out that way. Shortly after we got here, I ruptured a disk in my back, from which I am still healing. I …

Grieve With Me – 3D or 5D

by Tank   I often hear people touting their claims of existing in a Fifth Dimensional state of existence. In the Fifth dimension my understanding is that one is able to manifest virtually any reality they want. It would seem that if that is true we would all be having very different experiences than the frustration, anger and fear we …

Illuminating the Darkness by Lisa Renee

This article confirms my own experiences. Illuminating the Darkness by Lisa Renee   Dear Ascending Family, Perhaps the topic of this week’s blog is for my own catharsis, in bearing witness to the destructive behaviors and hate filled emotions of unstable people that I’ve witnessed in the environment that have escalated into the incredible depths of fragmented psychosis, from what …

What We Are Within Is Being Enhanced

The energies and astrological alignments have been tearing us down to our core, down to who we really are, and rebuilding us from the ground up. This process has taken several years, and has not been an easy time for any of us. We don’t like having to look at ourselves, and we have been given no choice about doing …

Mercury Retrograde in Aries March 2018

Mercury retrograde occurs several times a year. Sometimes we breeze through it, but other times it kicks our butts. (I had to replace a laptop with each retrograde a few years ago.)  As with all Mercury retrograde periods, we must be careful where communication is concerned. Our words can be misunderstood, or we may blurt out something we wish we …

August Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, New Moon Solar Eclipse and Being Love

  Much ado is being made about the August Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse. There is article after article on social media telling us what to expect, what we should do and how we should act. Too many of them miss the true power of these eclipses. They talk about being kind to ourselves and others, being okay with being …

You Are Being Lied To So You Will Drop Your Spiritual Protection

  The most damaging lie being spread through the Spiritual Community right now is that we no longer need to put up protection, that all darkness has been defeated and can no longer affect us. This could not be further from the truth! When I first got involved in Metaphysics, psychic protection was hardly ever mentioned and little was taught …