Has The Earth Split Into Two Realities?

It has been said for decades that the Earth was going to split, with one part ascending and theHas The Earth Split Into Two Realities? by Claudia McNeely other stuck in the 3rd dimension. 

We are seeing that happen now, but not in exactly that way. 

Especially in the United States, people are living in two entirely different realities. The Earth has not split along ascension or not ascension but by ideologies and political parties. 

We are very deep in a war between good and evil and each side thinks theirs is the right and holy side. 

One group follows the Neo-liberals. They live in a democracy, where the majority rules. They support globalization and a one world government. They want no borders and for people to be able to go wherever they want. They support democratic socialism and want to do away with the constitution. They want the government to be in control of everything – businesses, schools, medical care, finances, guns, the environment, etc. They listen to the mainstream media instead of researching for themselves. They believe their government would never lie to them or make any decisions that are not in their best interest. Their politicians encourage them to protest and confront the other side in public places. 

The other group lives in a Republic, which is how the US was originally formed. They believe that the US should take care of its own first. They do not want other countries having any control. They support borders and only allowing legal immigration. They feel that everyone has rights and that no one can interfere with those rights. They support the constitution and gun rights. They support less federal control and more states rights. They promote free enterprise with few regulations. They would not complain about free health care and college but they don’t want to give up their rights in order to get it. Many of them follow Q and get their news from alternative news sources. They research and do a lot of digging to find the truth and who is connected to who. They do not trust the government and are well aware that we are all expendable in the long run. 

There is a group in the middle, but most of them lean to one side or the other. 

There are so many ways this can go. We can continue to be divided, attacking each other for our differences. We can get into a civil war to see who is the winner. We can continue to be close-minded and unwilling to see the other side’s point of view. 

Or we can come together in Love. 

Those who have been in control of our world for millennia want us to keep fighting. They want war. Peace destroys their plans and terrifies them. 

Are we going to continue to live in two different worlds or are we going to move into our hearts and love one another and our differences?

That is a decision that we all need to make. 



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