Dark Matter Hurricane

There are a lot of articles right now about a Dark Matter Hurricane that is moving near theDark matter hurricane by Claudia McNeely. Sun and is expected to reach us. But, what is it? And is it something to worry about?

This is what I have learned. 

In 2017, astronomers discovered a line of stars moving through the Milky Way. They named it ‘S1 stream’ as it is the nearest of several streams moving through the galaxy. These streams develop when the Milky Way swallows a dwarf galaxy, stretching it out in the process. They think S1 might be carrying dark matter from the original dwarf galaxy. 

There is a lot of excitement in the scientific community because they have never been able to detect dark matter, and are hoping that there will be a large enough amount of it in S1 that they can finally measure it. 

I think this will have a different meaning for those of us who are earth sensitives. 

This is basically an explosion headed our way. It is moving at 310 miles per second, which is normal Solar Wind speed. Normally we don’t have any effects from that. But this is a totally different energy. One we have never experienced before. Because of that, it could cause us to experience symptoms. 

This will remain to be seen, but I think it is worth being aware of it. Because of this, I will be adding Dark Matter Hurricane to the list of things that could be affecting us in the Energy Report. 

Though S1 is headed straight for Earth, the stars are very spread out, so no collision is expected. Scientists think that we will stay in this stream of energy for a million years. 

Could this energy be partially responsible for bringing peace to Mother Earth? We can only hope! 



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