New Beginnings – New Moon in Scorpio 2018

This New Moon in Scorpio represents change and new beginnings. I’m sure we all think it is Woman manifesting new beginnings. New Beginnings - New Moon in Scorpio 2018about time! 

Jupiter has been in Scorpio for the last year. It has brought issues, beliefs, and parts of us that we have needed to let go of to the surface to be healed. It has not been easy to look at and accept the deep Truths within ourselves. 

What did we learn from Jupiter in Scorpio? We learned what fears have been holding us back and overcome them. We have learned what was in our best interest and what we needed to let go of. We have learned to understand who we are and what we actually want.

Now with Jupiter leaving Scorpio and the New Moon being in Scorpio, it is time for us to take what we have learned, implement it in our lives, and move into our power. 

It is time to learn to use our life force correctly and to have control over our desires. We have to figure out what we really want and get very clear about our intentions. It is time to know what we really want to transform and manifest. 

This is not the time to focus on instant gratification. We can’t connect to everything, so must set boundaries. 

It is important to think through things, look at all the options, and make sure you want it before you ask for it. Do you really want to move? Do you really want to change your job? Do you really want to end this relationship? Think about the long-term effects and whether it aligns with your soul. 

This is a powerful time for setting our intentions, at least for the next month, but also for our future. The next few days would be a good time to make a vision board or a list of what you want to create. 

It is important that we embrace all of our emotions, no matter how difficult that is. The time has come to transmute our wounds into personal power and wisdom, moving from our ego to our soul. 



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