We have been on a wild ride for several years now. We keep hoping the energy will improve, but each month it seems to get more and more intense. July is no exception!
There will be 2 Eclipses in July, the first, a partial Solar Eclipse, will occur on Thursday. Later in the month, there will be a Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses magnify everything, so be prepared. Several planets are in retrograde. In a couple of weeks, Mercury will join them. Mars began its retrograde motion last month, and has definitely been shaking things up.
We have felt that we are weighed down, slugging through mud, unable to make any progress. Jupiter returned to direct motion a few days ago, which will finally allow us to be able to move forward once again. Saturn (karma) is in Capricorn, grounding our desires into reality.
Since Mars began its retrograde motion, there has been a lot more anger, arguments and violence. This is playing out on a personal and global scale. It is pushing people’s buttons, which can be seen clearly in the political divide in the US. People on all sides are being triggered easily, and acting without thinking.
We have to remember that everyone is going through the same issues and emotions that we are. Make an effort to be more loving, more caring and more understanding as we move through these tough energies. Be kinder to yourself, making every effort to meet your own emotional needs. Do not hesitate to remove yourself from people or social situations that are triggering you, so that you can recharge.
Our world can only be changed by changing ourselves. We cannot change our friend, our neighbor or anyone else. We can only change ourselves. When we change, everything around us has to change too. We will heal the world by healing ourselves, healing our issues, fears, patterns and triggers. Love for ourselves and others is essential.
Money and financial issues are in the forefront right now. We are either trying to figure out how to get money for a specific project, or how to stretch the money that we do have. We are looking at ways to increase our business, or get a better job.
It is important that we have a plan to work from, that we look at what steps we can take right now to improve things. We must look at the baby steps that we can take every day that will lead us to our goals. There is no quick fix, and any quick fix may not end up the way we want. So, slow and steady will win the race.
Be very careful not to allow yourself to become a victim as we move through these energies. We are still working on healing and accepting our shadows. Looking at those deep parts of ourselves is one of our greatest fears. Don’t over think or freak out. We really are moving in the right direction.
In 2014/2015, we started on this healing journey, and we are finally at a point to complete that healing. We have been through several dark nights of the soul during these years. We have released layers and layers of fears, patterns and issues. We have been reduced to our true self, who we really are. We are awakening spiritually and becoming the conscious beings we were always meant to be.
Spend time on healing yourself. Meditate more and commune with your Higher Self. Listen to beautiful music. Watch funny movies. Spend time outside in nature. Lighten up and decide who you want to be now.
Sometimes we need someone else to help us to heal. If you need assistance, a Heart and Soul Healing can help you to feel whole again. I am also offering 10 minute Sessions for single issues.