Chakra Healing – Crown Chakra

  The Crown Chakra is located on top of the head. The color of this chakra is violet. The parts of the body affected by this chakra are the brain, nervous system, the pituitary gland, and the pineal gland. This chakra represents that part of our consciousness concerned with perceptions of unity or separation. This chakra shows our relationship with …

Creating Your Reality 

We have more control over our lives now than ever before in recent history. We can create whatever we desire in our lives. We have complete and total control. What do you want in your life? Do you want a wonderful job, loving relationships, or a new car? You can manifest any of this. What would your dream job be? …

We Create Our Reality

I considered making some predictions about this coming year, but since I see very little that is positive, I prefer to discuss how we can create the reality that we want to create. The accepted reality is that our economy is not good. The dollar continues to drop, our national debt continues to grow, people continue to be laid off. …

Create The Life You Want 

The three main subjects I am always asked about are finances, relationships and health. These are the most important aspects of our lives and the ones we have the most issues with. What did you learn as a child about money? About relationships? About health? Spend a moment thinking about the things your parents taught you about these subjects. We …

The Consciousness of Plants 

  Cleve Backster has done some very enlightening experiments with plants. After noticing that a plant was a little droopy and needed water, he decided to try an experiment to see how long it would take for the plant to receive the benefits of the water. He attached a pair of polygraph electrodes to one of the plants and noticed …

Christmas and Ascension

The energy of this Christmas season has been interesting. Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights and displays that everyone decorates with, the music and the love that people express at this time of year. This Christmas is entirely different. Though people seem to be decorating more this year than in …

Calling All Lightworkers, Time To Re-center 

In the mid 90’s, humanity was very close to making the transition into higher vibrations. We were working worldwide to heal the environment, there was a worldwide peace movement, people were becoming more spiritual. We had a Presidential Candidate who was environmentally friendly and very spiritual. We were very close to the ‘hundredth monkey’ level which would catapult us into …

Breath Is Life 

In times of stress, we tend to breathe very shallowly. This is caused by the tension in our bodies. As we continue to breathe shallowly, our stress increases. The only way to relax and release the stress is to take slow, deep breaths. Have you ever watched a baby breathe? As it takes in a breath, you will see it’s …

Attitude Of Gratitude For Thanksgiving And Every Day

Here in the US, we have set aside one day each year to give thanks. But, it is important for us to have an attitude of gratitude each and every day. What we focus on increases. By focusing on the wonderful things we have in our lives and showing our gratitude for them, we will have more wonderful things to …