Attitude Of Gratitude For Thanksgiving And Every Day

Here in the US, we have set aside one day each year to give thanks. But, it is important for us to have an attitude of gratitude each and every day. What we focus on increases. By focusing on the wonderful things we have in our lives and showing our gratitude for them, we will have more wonderful things to …

On Being A Parent

On Being a Parent  Being the parent of a profoundly retarded, critically ill daughter, I get many messages from people asking me for prayers and healing for a young family member who is facing medical problems. And I always do whatever I can. The one thing I have learned over the years is that I have no control over what …

Energetic Clearing Technique For Peace

Take a deep breath and say: I ask the Spirits of all those who have ill will toward humanity and instigate wars to go throughout time, through their ancestry, through their soul’s lineage, through their soul contracts, through all of their aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the …

Faces of the Goddess and Anna Nicole Smith

  Today’s civilization is moving from the patriarchal society we have lived under for thousands of years to a more gender balanced society. We are seeing a balance of the aspects known as the god and the goddess. This means that since the Goddess has been hidden from us for thousands of years, the face of the Goddess is being …

How To Work With Animal Totems 

  The knowledge of totems has come to us mainly through the teachings of the Native Americans. They have a strong belief in the power of nature and would dress themselves in the skins or masks of different animals to access that animal’s powers or abilities, known as ‘medicine’. In more ancient times, gods and goddesses were often portrayed as …

Anchor The Light

Approximately 300,000 years ago a great war was fought throughout the Universe between the Family of Light and beings of Darkness. This war was spoken of in the Bible as a war among the angels. One of the planets being fought over was our Earth. Unfortunately for mankind, the beings of Darkness won control. Prior to this time, mankind was very …

All Healing Is Emotional Healing

  Every emotion you have ever felt is lodged somewhere in your body or aura. When you were conceived did you feel unwanted because your parents wanted a child of the opposite sex? This emotion has been lodged somewhere in your body ever since you experienced it. Were you teased by your classmates in school? This emotion of not being …

Agoraphobia and Panic Attacks

  I suffered from agoraphobia and panic attacks for many years. I was unable to drive, standing in line at stores was usually more than I could take, eating out was a horror because I was afraid of choking, and eventually, I could not even go to my mailbox. With no warning, my heart would start racing; my hands would feel …