Energetic Clearing Technique For Peace

Take a deep breath and say:

I ask the Spirits of all those who have ill will toward humanity and instigate wars to go throughout time, through their ancestry, through their soul’s lineage, through their soul contracts, through all of their aspects and locate all causes, signs, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons they or any of their aspects feel or have ever felt anger, hatred, war mongering, violence, ill will, destruction and any similar thought, feeling or emotion toward the Earth and her inhabitants.

Take their Higher Selves and every aspect of their being to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely. Come throughout time, through their ancestry, through their soul’s lineage, through their soul contracts, through all of their aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until we are at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth. They are Love and Peace. They are Love and Peace. We are Love and Peace.

Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behavior based on this issue quickly disappears. Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW.

Thank you, Spirit.


Learn more about the Energetic Clearing Technique.



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