Energy Report For Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hello, radiant Earth Angels!

Angel Message:

This is a time for establishing a firm foundation for your New World. Learn the lessons from theEnergy Report For Tuesday, February 6, 2024 by Claudia McNeely past and use good judgment going forward. The coming financial reset will give you the chance to build a secure future for everyone. Join together and create the future that you deserve.


There was a long-duration mid M Class Flare this morning. It is from a departing Sun Spot, so we may not be affected by the Coronal Mass Ejection it produced. If we are, it will only be a mild glancing blow. Solar Winds are elevated but quiet. There was a 5.5 Earthquake in El Salvador. 

We are being affected today by Energetic/Spiritual War, Harmonic Resonance Manipulation, and Electronic Harassment. 


The energy today is hitting us in the Solar Plexus Chakra causing nausea and digestive issues. There is less pressure on our bodies so we are feeling less pain. We have a little more motivation but not enough to really accomplish anything. Of course, we are exhausted.


The Appeals Court decided today that Trump does not have presidential immunity. That means any president can be arrested. He will appeal the decision to the Supreme Court, but they may not hear the case until October. 

Dems are having a meltdown because Republicans are refusing to consider the horrible border bill that the Senate sent to the House. They claim it is a wonderful bill and it is all Trump’s fault that it won’t be passed. I guess a top border official was bribed to approve of the deal and say how good it was. 

New York will be giving illegal immigrants money to purchase food and diapers. They will be enrolled in the SNAP program where they will receive a lot more than citizens do. He claims this will save them money. Sending them back where they came from would save even more.

Most of the news is filled with red pilling the normies about the border crisis. Even CNN is talking about how bad it is. 

Keep your eyes open, be prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the show!  


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