Energy Report For Friday, February 11, 2022

Welcome amazing Earth Angels to a Truthful, no fluff Energy Report! 

Angel Message: 

Forgive yourself so you can move forward. Remember that you are perfect just as you are. AllEnergy Report For Friday, February 11, 2022 by Claudia McNeely the rest is just lessons and having an experience. Love yourself and allow yourself to be happy for a change. 


“One individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure Love will counterbalance the negativity of 750,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels.” – Wayne Dyer                              

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Solar and Universal Energies:   

Solar Winds had returned to normal but just jumped back up a little while ago. There have been several C Class Flares. The Geomagnetic Storm of yesterday turned into Geomagnetic Instability through this morning. The increased Solar Winds may cause another storm. There was a 5.5 Earthquake in  New Guinea and 5.5 in Taiwan. 


Energies Affecting us in order:

We are being affected today by Cosmic Rays, Solar Energies, Detrimental Light Codes, Galactic Energy, Electronic Harassment, Universal Energy, and Unknown Energies.

Not affecting us today are Detrimental Light Language, Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy, Astrological Alignments, Collective Consciousness, AI Programs, Long-Range Acoustic Device, Voice of God TechnologyTargeting,  Schumann Resonance, Blocks to Spirit/Source/God,  Weather Modification, Energetic/Spiritual War, Artificial Intelligence Messages, Gamma Rays, Radiation, Mind Control, Ley Line manipulation, 5G, Satellite Terrorism, Frequency Radiation, Nibiru,  Weather Wars, Photonic Light Waves, Directed Energy Weapons, Electromagnetic Fields, Alcyone, Asteroid, Planetary Energy, Ultrasound, MK Ultra, Gamma Radiation, CERN 2, Electromagnetic Fields, Pain Ray, CERN, Dark Matter Hurricane, Black Star Portal, Gwen Towers, Meteors, Photon Belt, HAARP, Cell Towers, Restrictive Energy Grids, and Chemtrails.


Current Events:

The Jan 6 committee is pissed that Trump made no calls or texts during the ‘insurrection’. They are claiming that he must have used a private phone. lol! 

A Canadian court has frozen donations given to the Truckers through GiveSendGo. Since the company is not Canadian, they do not have to abide by the ruling. This gets better every day! 

Today is a very slow news day. 

Enjoy the show! 


Corona Virus Protection and Treatment and healing from the Vaccine:  

  • Vitamins C, D, and Zinc.
  • Cinchona Bark is from the tree where they get Quinine from. 
  • Querticin is recommended by doctors along with Zinc, D, and C to heal yourself if you get the virus. It will also keep you from getting sick. 
  • Most important, Hydroxychloroquine. America’s Frontline DocIntors wants to make sure that people can get the medication to use as a preventative as well as treatment. To make an appointment to talk to a doctor go to They offer phone calls to treat many health issues. The appointment is $90 and the medication, which I understand is inexpensive, will be mailed to you. I spoke with a Doctor within hours of ordering the appointment and the medication was mailed out the next day. If you were to get the virus, you could have the medication to begin quickly, or you can get the medication to have on hand just in case. 
  • I am hearing that Hydroxychloroquine is now $240! They are trying to make it so expensive that we don’t want to use it. Ivermectin works just as well and is available in any feed store or Amazon. If you get the paste for horses, the dosage is 1 cc for 120 lbs.   

People who have had the ‘vaccine’ have done major damage to their bodies. A ‘Spike Protein’ is developed which will cause the next virus they get to be deadly. They are ‘shedding’ this spike protein causing people in their environment who have not had the jab to have unexpected vaginal bleeding and blood clots. Even a 2-year-old began bleeding after spending time with her grandparents. They are getting bruises all over their bodies from being near someone who had the jab. 

Thankfully, there are ways to protect ourselves other than avoiding those people. Energetically, you can wear any black stone, such as Shungite. I have learned that Ivermectin will heal the damage done by the shot and protect you from others who have had it. I think the Frontline Doctors will prescribe it. Pine needle tea will also help. I am sure that more ways will be discovered, so don’t panic if you or your loved ones got the shot without knowing the dangers. Trust that all will be ok. 


Healing the Earth and Opening Humanity’s Hearts

Healing Earth by Claudia McNeelyImagine that the Earth is small enough to fit between your hands, and spend time each day sending Love to it and all who reside on her. 




The increased Solar Winds and Geomagnetic Storm are causing an increase in ear noise, headache, vision issues, an increase in pain, and exhaustion. There are complaints of back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, muscle aches, muscle cramps, joint pain, knee pain, hip pain, vision issues, allergies, confusion, lack of motivation, forgetfulness, nausea, digestive issues, dizziness, anxiety, panic attacks, heart palpitations, difficulty sleeping, and exhaustion. Children and animals are quiet and lazy. 

We are still phasing in and out of 4D which is causing us to lose track of time and days. 

Remember to use Elderberry Syrup to prevent illness and heal quicker. It will also help prevent Coronavirus. 

It is essential that we keep our protection strong at all times. 


Relief from energy symptoms:

Be kind to yourself. Listen to your body and rest as needed. Remember to breathe deeply to bring yourself back to Now. As usual, drink lots of water to release the toxins that have been, and will be stirred up. A Sea or Himalayan Salt bath, shower or foot soak will also help to release the toxins. Raw foods are easier to digest. Magnesium and Potassium will help with muscle cramps. We need to increase our Vitamin D3, C and B vitamins. Milk Thistle will help with detoxing the liver. Charcoal will also help with detox. Selenium will help protect from all forms of Mind Control. Be kind to yourself and others. It is also essential that we keep our energy field cleansed and protection around us at all times to lessen our symptoms.

These intense energies continue to cause lots of trauma on all levels. I can help you to release this trauma and return your lost Soul Pieces, through a Heart and Soul Healing.

There is no reason to suffer from the Energy/Ascension symptoms any longer. I have found a way to neutralize and block many of them using my Radionics Program. Learn more and order your Energy Symptoms Relief today!


Let me know in the comments below how you are doing in these intense energies. We need to support each other now more than ever! 

See more Energetic Clearing Technique Samples.  






Comments 2

  1. Blessings, and I hope the pain you were experiencing is gone. People are indeed reporting headaches, stomach issues, exhaustion, and all of the other symptoms that you mention. I think that collective humanity will continue to experience these symptoms with the increasing LIGHT that is coming into our planet through the flares, winds, CMEs, etc. Have a restful weekend.

    1. Post

      Unfortunately, the pain is not gone. It has eased enough that I can type again though.

      You are so right about all the energies. I don’t see it getting any better for a while either.

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