I Am Always There With You

By: Toni Liversage 6/17/2006
Inspired by Samantha McNeely
Dedicated to Claudia McNeely & Family

 Things are a lot more clear to me
Now that I am Spirit bound.
No longer am I heavy burdenedBy the gravity of earthly ground.
Now I see so much more clearly
And can help you so much more
Than being with you physically
As I thought I could there before.
My purpose there has been served.
It was to teach you to stay strong.
This is a lesson you have learned well
And will continue your whole life long.
So blessed to have you by my side,
I watched you learn with grace,
Compassion, patience, tenderness,
Unconditional love always on your face.
Now it is my turn to serve you
From this side of heaven’s veil
Where I am free of all restraints
And guaranteed to strongly prevail.
So face each day with assurance
And know with your heart this is true,
No matter what the future brings
I am always there with you.


 Author’s Comments: It is such an honor to have met this family a little over a year ago and to spend some time in the presence of the precious spirit of sweet Samantha. Those who knew Sam, knew she could communicate telepathically to those who would listen with an open heart. It was her voice I clearly heard asking me to express her love to all who helped her in this life, especially to her mother Claudia. I pray that this poem blesses with Sam’s love, all who read it and that it accomplishes what she asked of me. I would say “Rest In Peace Sam,” but we “Lightworkers” know your real work of “Loving Kindness and Joy” has only just begun. So Live On In Peace Samantha, Live On!