Healing From Loss and Grief


I originally wrote this article after my Great Dane, ‘Midnight Serenade in D Minor’ or Middie, made her transition to the other side.Healing From Loss and Grief by Claudia McNeely

Having lost my parents as a young adult, several miscarriages, numerous pets and my daughter, I can honestly say that healing from loss is never easy. We love our furbabies every bit as deeply as a human, and feel the loss just as intensely.

When we are feeling loss and grief, our energy has moved into the past. It is normal after a death to think about our time with our loved one, to remember silly things they did, to revisit events that we shared. This is part of the healing process that we go through.

At some point, if we want to heal, we must move into the Now and go on with our life. In the Now, that being is no longer there. They have left their physical body and moved to the Other Side. They are no longer a part of our physical life. The sooner we can accept that they are gone and move into our Now, the sooner we will be able to heal.

When you find yourself missing your loved one, take a deep breath, remember the love you shared and return to your Now.

The Energetic Clearing Technique For Grief:

“I ask my Spirit, to go throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul’s lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects and locate all causes, signs, symptoms, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons me or any of my aspects feel or have ever felt grief, sadness, loss, abandonment, anguish, and any similar feeling, thought or emotion.

Take my Higher Self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely.

Come throughout time, through my ancestry, through my soul’s lineage, through my soul contracts, through all of my aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until I am at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth. I am calm, I am peaceful. I am Love. I bring my energy into Now, into peace.

Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behavior based on this issue quickly disappears.

Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW.

Thank you, Spirit.”


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