Energy Update For Tuesday, June 20, 2023

I am finally back online! 3 weeks with no internet has not been fun! Michael is healing very quickly from his knee replacement, able to do things well before most people can, but he has been very confused and having hallucinations. That could be from the Parkinson’s. I am still trying to unpack and get everything situated. The last few days my body has been screaming so I haven’t been able to do much. 

An X Class Flare just occurred. It is not facing Earth so most of the Coronal Mass Ejection will miss us. Solar Winds are normal and chaotic. There was a 5.9 Earthquake in New Guinea and 5.5 Indonesia. 

There is a lot of talk about the odd Schumann Resonance graph that has been coming up lately. Of course, people are claiming that it is a new energy that is coming in to cause ascension. I call BS on that. That graph change started about the same time that there was a lot of hacking happening to many government departments. I think it is part of that hack. This graph originates in Russia. The Schumann Resonance is affected by lightning and other Earth energies. There were none of those energies at the time the graph changed. Today, only a small part of a normal graph is showing. We have to learn discernment and not believe everything someone makes up. 

We are being affected by Weather Wars, Astrological Alignments, MK Ultra, Chemtrails, and Detrimental Light Language.

There are lots of complaints about aches and pains. The energy is hitting some of us in the Solar Plexus, causing stomach aches, nausea, and vomiting. 

Many people are upset because Hunter Biden got off with just a slap on the wrist. Actually, this is the agreement he made for giving them the laptop and spilling his guts about his family’s crimes. He is not stupid enough to take a laptop with that information on it to a repair shop, much less leave it there. That was just a story for the normies.  

Comments 4

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  1. So you do not think we are experiencing an ascension or energetic upgrade of some kind? I feel like I’ve been experiencing ascension flu symptoms /:

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      We often receive energies that raise our vibrations and cause Ascension Flu. That does not mean that the odd graph is measuring that.

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