Energy Update For Monday, February 19, 2024

Hello, vibrating Earth Angels!

The Sun and Solar Winds are quiet for a change. There were no Earthquakes over 5.5. So where is the intense energy coming from? 

We are being affected today by Energetic/Spiritual War, Lightbody Upgrades, and Electronic Harassment. 

All of that is the reason we are vibrating – which some feel as anxiety, not sleeping, and in pain. I slept about an hour from 4:30 to 5:30 this morning and could not get back to sleep. I noticed a lot of people were awake on Facebook at that time. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to flush out toxins. 

Because of the New York judge fining Trump $350 Million last week, Truckers are refusing to do any deliveries to the city. They only have enough food to last about 3 hours without constant deliveries. I’m sure some will deliver there but it could cause a lot of hardship. Enjoy the show!

Keep your eyes open, be prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the show!    

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