Energetic Clearing Technique Protecting Our LoveWarriors Who Are Bringing Disclosure


There are many LoveWarriors incarnated on Earth at this time. They are here to bring Truth, Peace and Freedom. This can be a veryEnergetic Clearing Technique Protecting Our LoveWarriors Who Are Bringing Disclosure by Claudia McNeely dangerous path, as there are many others here who are fighting for the survival of the Dark Forces.

When we succeed in lifting the Earth into the 4th Dimension of Unconditional Love, the Dark Forces will lose all of the power they have held for eons.

Some of these LoveWarriors include David Wilcock, Corey Goode, members of Anonymous, people revolting against tyranny throughout the world, only to name a few.

David Wilcock, Corey Goode, David’s friend and workers at Gaiam TV have all been attacked because of the new show Cosmic Disclosure.

I have written an Energetic Clearing Technique so we can all help to protect these people who are willing to put their lives on the line to bring us to the 4th Dimension of Unconditional Love.

“I ask our Spirits, to go throughout time, through our ancestry, through our soul’s lineage, through our soul contracts, through all of our aspects and locate all causes, signs, symptoms, side effects, predispositions to and damage from all the ways and all the reasons we or any of our aspects feel or have ever felt that Lovewarriors, Truth-tellers, Whistleblowers, Protestors and others leading us to Love are being attacked on any level.

Take our Higher Selves and every aspect of our beings to the very first incident that caused this issue to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly, permanently and completely.

Come throughout time, through our ancestry, through our soul’s lineage, through our soul contracts, through all of our aspects, healing each incident based upon the foundation of the first, until we are at the present filled with light, love, peace and truth. All LoveWarriors, Truth-tellers, Whistleblowers, Protestors, et al. are now safe and protected. They are surrounded by an impermeable shield of protection that only Love can enter. They, their friends, co-workers, pets and belongings are protected spiritually, emotionally and physically at all times, on all levels and in all dimensions.

Know that every negative thought or inappropriate behavior based on this issue quickly disappears. Take all the time you need Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW.

Thank you, Spirit.”


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