Energy Update For Monday, August 5, 2024

Hello, excited Earth Angels!

We have a reason to be excited finally! What we have been waiting for is happening right now!Energy Update For Monday, August 5, 2024 by Claudia McNeely

A departing Sun Spot fired off a long-duration small X Class Flare this morning. Thankfully, it was quiet as it was facing us. Though it is not aimed at Earth, we sensitives still feel it. A large Sun Spot that is just turning into view released an M Class Flare today. Hopefully, it is releasing its energy before it faces Earth. Solar Winds are high normal. There were no Earthquakes over 5.5. 

We are being affected today by Planetary Energy, Energetic/Spiritual War, Galactic Energy, Solar Energies, and Weather Wars (Tropical Storm Debbie?).

A cold or mild covid is going around right now. We caught it from my son who was here on Friday. The increased Solar Winds have been causing increased ear noise, headaches, vision issues, heart palpitations, anxiety, irritability, difficulty sleeping, and exhaustion. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids. 

Finally, what many of us have been waiting over a decade for is happening. The financial crash began in Japan on Friday and Taiwan crashed today. Our stock market dropped the most it has ever dropped in one day today. Stay calm and remember that this is part of the plan. Electricity and the internet might go down for a while. When things come back up, we will have a new financial system based on assets like gold and oil and the world will be much better.

As I have told everyone for years, be sure you have several weeks of food, water, medication, pet food, cash, etc. Keep your car full at all times because when the electricity goes out and debit cards don’t work we will not be able to get gas.Stay calm and know that the White Hats have everything under control. If you see the military on the streets, stay away and let them do their job. This is probably when the arrests will happen and there will be at least a week of videos telling us what has happened and the things the cabal has done to us. It will freak many people out, so try to calm your family and friends. 

After the crisis is over, we will have free energy and many other technologies that have been hidden from us. I have heard that Starlink will provide us with electricity, but I don’t know for a fact that is true. 

WW3 will soon begin but it will not advance far. It is to wake up more of the normies. 

That’s about it for the news today. 

Keep your eyes open, be prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the show!! We are almost at the climax.       

Comments 2

    1. Post

      I am very excited. We have been waiting for this for a long time. Maybe our families and friends will finally believe us.

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