Living With A Walk-In

In this time of changing energies and massive upheavals, there are many souls who want to be on the earth to experience this exciting time in history. There are also many souls who wish to leave, who are tired of all the changes and trauma. Rather than choosing to be born as a baby, then spending 20 years growing up …

Chakra Healing – Root Chakra by Claudia McNeely

Chakras are energy vortexes located throughout our body which regulate the flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras reflect how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close our chakras when we decide what to think and what to feel. We will be focusing on the 7 major chakras. I …

March Energies, Alignments and the Fire Monkey

What an amazing year this has started out to be! The Fire Monkey is definitely swinging from the branches and burning things up. For many of us, it has been a rough couple of months. We have been enduring some of the most intense ascension symptoms we have ever had for this length of time. We are achy, with pain …