Cell Towers Exposed

I mention Cell Towers and Gwen Towers often in my Energy Report. This explains how we are being affected by them and why they are so dangerous. 5G will be even worse.  

The Schumann Resonances are NOT Increasing Says The Heartmath Institute

I have been saying this for months, and even had  one person use Heartmath Institute to attempt to prove that it is increasing. Hopefully this will settle the bs. Those in the New Age/Metaphysics/Spiritual Community has got to stop believing everything they read, hear or think. Just because everyone is saying it does not make it true. Just because something …

As Corey Goode Secret Space Program Claims go Viral Critics Step up Attacks

WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON MAY 2, 2017 Corey Goode has had a remarkable rise to public prominence since first appearing in late 2014 as a whistleblower offering detailed testimony about his term of service in multiple secret space programs for 20 years. Since July 2015, he has been featured on Gaia TV’s weekly Cosmic Disclosure series episodes where …

“The Voice of God” – Weaponized Mind Control Frequency Technology

by: enerchi September 15, 2015 Corey Goode answered a question about “The Voice of God” technology which is used on unsuspecting people to put voices in their heads. A search for this technology does appear online in a few sources and is even mentioned on some mainstream media websites.  Further research points to different names for this suppressed military technology.  Here is …