Energy Update For Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hello, captivated Earth Angels!

The Sun has been quiet with only C Class Flares and no Coronal Mass Ejections. Solar Wind is lowEnergy Update For Wednesday, August 21, 2024 by Claudia McNeely normal and calm. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts. 

We are being affected today by Energetic/Spiritual War, Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy, Astrological Alignments, and Targeting.

The calm Sun is causing us to be tired and unmotivated. We are sleeping deeper and don’t want to wake up. Dreams are vivid and disturbing at times. Anxiety is high because of all the chaos in the world right now. 

Robert Kennedy, Jr is dropping out of the presidential race and supporting Trump. He will announce it on Friday. This is great and he will make a powerful addition to the Trump team. Trump can put him over either the CIA or CDC and he will be able to destroy either of them with his knowledge. I am thrilled about this. 

Antifa is still causing violence in Chicago, but very little is being reported about it even among Truthers. Some Truthers, such as Mike Lindell are going undercover to the convention. 

The Dems are paying people, including Truthers, $150 to attend the convention. They get their money, and some food, and then leave. lol! They can’t let it be known that no one is showing up. 

The Biden admin lied about creating 818,000 new jobs. 

Keep your eyes open, be prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the show!    

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