Energy Update For Monday, January 19, 2025

I just wanted to do a quick update to see what is causing the symptoms that started for me last night. I’m pretty sure it is weapons being used against us because Solar energies are fairly quiet.

We are being affected today by Energetic/Spiritual War, Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy, Energy Weapons, and Targeting.

That definitely explains the symptoms. I can feel and hear the pulses of energy moving through my body. We are having headaches, vision issues, increased aches and pains, anxiety, heart palpitations, chest pain, difficulty sleeping, vivid dreams and exhaustion. Keep your protection up because I’m sure it will only increase. 

They canceled the outdoor swearing-in ceremony and moved into the rotunda at the Capitol. Now, I am hearing it will be done at midnight tonight in the Oval Office. I was surprised they allowed Trump to be outside last night for the fireworks display. Big drones were flying around protecting him. I’m also surprised they are allowing the rally tonight. 

Things are definitely heating up and the deep state will attack us as long as they can. They are fighting for their survival. 

Keep your eyes open, be prepared, stay safe, and enjoy the show!  

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