August Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, New Moon Solar Eclipse and Being Love

  Much ado is being made about the August Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse. There is article after article on social media telling us what to expect, what we should do and how we should act. Too many of them miss the true power of these eclipses. They talk about being kind to ourselves and others, being okay with being …

The Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras

The last few years have been very rough on everyone, and has really thrown the lower Chakras out of balance. We are victims (Root) to finances, jobs, health, etc; which causes us to be a martyr (Sacral), suffering and sacrificing ourselves; leading to us to become a servant (Solar Plexus), having no power to create change. If these lower Chakras …

Mother’s Day, Being a Victim and Lessons in Forgiveness

Many of us had a loving relationship with our Mother, but not all of us were so lucky. Many of my clients have been traumatized by their relationship with their Mother. They feel unloved, unimportant and are often abused. Before we are born, our Soul, with the assistance of our Angels, decides what lessons we want to experience in our …

Hippies, History of New Age and the New Paradigm

  Over the last few years, many of us have become disenchanted with the dogma and Spiritual Snobbery in the New Age/Metaphysical community. I have personally been feeling the desire to walk away from it, knowing that there has to be something better. Well, there is. A New Paradigm is here. Out of curiosity, I recently decided to do research …

October Energies – Where Are We?

  September was a very intense month, with some overwhelming energy at times. ‘Wave X’ (which should be called ‘River X’ since it is a constant flow, not a wave), which began affecting us several months ago, continued to flow through. We had two Eclipse’s, one combined with a Blood Moon on September 28. Of course, much was predicted about …

What Is Unconditional Love

  We talk a lot about unconditional Love. It is the ideal we all strive to be. But, do we really even understand what it is? Many think that unconditional Love is something that we feel for others, but are the opposite when it comes to ourselves. Unconditional Love IS the 4th Dimension. (Some call this 5D, but 5D is …

Where Is The Love?

  The 4th Dimension is Unconditional Love (many today mistakenly call this 5D). We are learning to live in our hearts, to love ourselves as well as everyone else without judgment. Love is the essence of the Divine Feminine now flowing through the Universe. It is soft, sweet, gentle and warm. Thinking about Love feels good on all levels. Light …

I Have A Dream

  I have a dream that one day our world will be filled with people who live from their heart, with people who ARE Unconditional Love. A world where there is no judgment, no need to be right, no attempting to force one’s beliefs on others. As I observe the Metaphysical/New Age Community today, it is a very long way …