Christmas in the Higher Dimensions

  Christmas in the higher dimensions feels very different than the 3D holiday that we grew up with. I first noticed a difference in 2006, and every year it gets stronger. Christmas is a very 3rd Dimensional holiday. The focus is on buying presents, spending money we don’t have for things people really don’t need. It has always been very …

Mother’s Day, Being a Victim and Lessons in Forgiveness

Many of us had a loving relationship with our Mother, but not all of us were so lucky. Many of my clients have been traumatized by their relationship with their Mother. They feel unloved, unimportant and are often abused. Before we are born, our Soul, with the assistance of our Angels, decides what lessons we want to experience in our …

Christmas and Ascension

The energy of this Christmas season has been interesting. Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights and displays that everyone decorates with, the music and the love that people express at this time of year. This Christmas is entirely different. Though people seem to be decorating more this year than in …

Attitude Of Gratitude For Thanksgiving And Every Day

Here in the US, we have set aside one day each year to give thanks. But, it is important for us to have an attitude of gratitude each and every day. What we focus on increases. By focusing on the wonderful things we have in our lives and showing our gratitude for them, we will have more wonderful things to …